Northeastern always seems to be in the process of updating or renovating their campus, and to this day they have done a great job in beautifying this urban site. The West Village Quad is not exactly symmetrical, instead the dormitories which make up the quad bend and curve giving the space a unique shape which differs from the more linear geometry of the city. These buildings also seperate the quad from the busy streets which gives a more secure feeling to those living in the dorms.

However, the space does not have the privacy you might expect. Instead the quad serves as a pathway for commuters on their way to and from the Ruggles T stop. The most direct path through the quad starts from Parker St., continues through the large arched opening and runs straight through the quad to the opposite side where the continuity of the brick buildings is broken by two glass buildings that flank each side of the path. If one is entering the quad from this side, you are able to witness a unique moment where the dormitories seem to continue through the reflection in these glass buildings.

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